S3E7: Climate Solutions: Sustainable Agriculture with Cicada Calling Farm

In this episode, Abigail and Maréshah “get the dirt” from Cicada Calling Farm’s own Sierra Torres and Becks Hillard about the realities and joys of operating a sustainable farm in southeast Louisiana amidst climate change impacts. As the two young farmers discuss, dedicating labor and agricultural innovation in the Gulf South is an intentional decision to create alternative economies and food systems to nourish our communities.

“Instead of thinking about what we are losing, we need to think about what we can gain. How can we sink our roots deep into this land and continue traditions that our ancestors did?”

Cicada Calling is a 2-acre diversified vegetable and cut flower farm in Southeast, Louisiana run by Becks Hilliard & Sierra Torres. Find out more information about them through their website: https://cicadacallingfarm.com/ 

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Climate Justice Y’all: It’s real, it’s here, it’s about time.