S3E5: Climate Solutions at the State, Local, and Community Levels with Dr. Jairo Garcia

In this week’s episode, co-hosts Abigail and Maréshah have an honest conversation with Dr. Jairo Garcia about the need and obstacles of climate adaptation at the state and local levels.

“The biggest challenge, here in the South, is that politicians and decision-makers are not taking climate change seriously…We need brave people who aren’t afraid to talk about it. If they don’t do it, how can we ask communities to do the same?” – Dr. Jairo Garcia

Dr. Garcia is a professor at the Georgia Tech School of City & Regional Planning and the former Director of Climate Policy for the City of Atlanta, additionally, he served as the lead author of Atlanta’s Climate Action Plan. He was awarded the National Individual Climate Leadership Award by the EPA in 2017 and the Climate Reality Green Ring Award in 2021.

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